Sunday, April 5, 2009

Blogger issues with OpenOffice

I have been taking lots of notes on my trip in OpenOffice and for some reason Blogspot cannot handle the text when imported into their interface. If anyone has an idea why that may be I would love to hear it. Until I get that figured out I'll just post a brief note. I'm fine, it is humid to a degree I was unexpecting and the low temp so far has been 81 degrees, it is beautiful and I am enjoying it so far. Yesterday I spent the day with new friends on a private island having a Hawaiian barbeque. Hopefully, I can get the bulk of my notes published here soon.


  1. hmmm, you can try abiword?

  2. I'll try that. What I did in the mean time is export the openoffice document to txt and that works fine. It is an extra step, but easy enough to do.
