Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My first block of tickets has been purchased and the flight itineraries go something like this:
March 31 San Francisco to Honolulu -> overnight then continuing on to Majuro, Marshall Islands arriving April 2

May 14 leaving Majuro to Guam, by way of an island hopper through Kwajalein - Kosrae - Pohnpei - Truk

May 29 Guam to Manila (for one day) then on to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

June 30 Port Moresby to Cairns, Australia

July 14 Sydney, Australia to Christchurch, New Zealand

August 10 Auckland, New Zealand to Hong Kong, China

November 10 Beijing, China to Bangkok, Thailand

Beyond Thailand awaits India, Jordan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, and Costa Rica, so start thinking about where you want to meet Gabe and I, because I definitely want to see a few of you during this journey.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The countdown is on. The end of March will signal my departure for the next two plus years. It will be more than I can even imagine now and I am looking forward to it. Recently, I went through the CDC reports for the eleven primary countries we will be staying in over the course of our journey with my doctor and based on that analysis, I have gotten the following innoculations:
Hepatitis - A
Hepatitis - B
Polio Booster
I have to go to the county to get a Yellow Fever shot. I filled the first Malarone prescription to combat the evils of malaria, but while my doctor wants to give me a three month supply at a time, my insurance only wants me to have a one month supply. I'll have to work this out in the near future. I also picked up enough Ciproflox to last the trip and got a typhoid vaccination that I'll have to take a week before departure. Still getting my Acer Netbook prepped for the trip, but have been very happy with this little machine so far. Still evaluating travel insurance, but the front runner right now is, which came recommended by Lonely Planet. Our airfare is being arranged through Bay Area based Air Treks. Two other helpful resource options to look into if you are thinking about traveling on a budget are and, the latter can be fun even on a purely local front. Lots of interesting, active people in Northern California at least.

Still awaiting final word on if I'll spend my first month in Guam or the Marshall Islands, but it is looking like the Marshall's and the project there sounds interesting. Hopefully, I will have something to post on a near daily basis. Thanks for stopping by.